Friday, April 26, 2013

Home made Kool-Aid Playdough!

Okay so FOREVER ago.. like 3 months. We made home made play dough! It was so much fun and I really wanted to post it and show everyone because it was way easier than I thought it was going to be! So today I am getting around to it. Finally.
Here is what you need:
1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt
2 tsp Cream of Tartar
1 Tbsp Vegetable Oil
1 cup water
1/2  packet of Kool-Aid

Mix all ingredients together in a medium sauce pan, I let my 2.5 year old do this. Once all ingredients are mixed together put it on the stove and heat on medium high. It will start pulling away from the sides of the pan and become more solid and like Playdough after about 5 minutes. I was so worried that I was going to mess this up, but seriously y’all it was so easy.
I liked using the Kool-Aid because it wouldn’t stain and it makes the Playdough smell so good!
Here is how ours turned out!

Telling me all the colors

He wanted me to make a car, this was the best I could do.

My handsome boy

Max was no a fan..

Finally touched it after ten minutes.

then tasted it.

It did not taste good.

He decided water play was for him, but he lost his number 3.

When dad got home, the real creative party began!

It was a lot of fun, easy to do and non-toxic! 


  1. We made some similar to this and keep it in the fridge. We pull it out almost daily

  2. How cool-- I got to try this for my little M-- she would really enjoy it! I would love for you to come link up to That's Fresh! Friday and share this-- it's up till tomorrow :)
